Nadirah adeye

My Goal is to help you:


Get greater confidence in managing your money and negotiating for yourself


Experience no more fear when the bills come


Live a life full to overflowing with radical authenticity, freedom and Divine Abundance

Teaching you to transform your relationship to money and live a more pleasurable life

Hi, I’m Nadirah

Over the years, I have given myself all manner of titles. I’ve called myself a writer, a dancer, a traveler, a speaker, a facilitator, an irreverently rude rebel, a sensualist, and a funny bone tweaker. And I am (and remain) every single one of those things and more. But I have also been clear that the foundation of everything I’ve done, at the core, has been about my relationship with the Divine, deepening it, strengthening it and sharing it with others.

I will teach you to live a guilt free and joyfully prosperous life

When I realized that how I managed (and spent) my time and energy and money were all related, I was able to start making some major transformations in my life.

I was so used to living at or below a zero state, with almost no gap between me and a maxed out, reactive state.

I want to show you how to create more space between you and your maxed out state, between you and depletion, between you and burn out. I want to share with you the tools that I use to create spaciousness that creates more ease, more room to breathe, more grace and more capacity.

It’s more than just saying Pamper Yourself! Embrace Pleasure! Budget! Manage Your Money! as so many tend to do.

With a Master’s Degree in Women’s Spirituality from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, 15 years of study in personal finance management, 20+ years of meditation, 25+ years of study and experience in personal organization, releasing stuff-attachment, and transforming our relationship to our belongings and resources and 20 years of dance/performance experience I pride myself in encouraging us to expand our capacities to envision (and then create) lives we previously could never have imagined.

I am a Spirit-guided magick maker, a priestess, and dancer between the worlds with over 25 years in service to the Divine and my life is entirely a reflection of that relationship. As a Sacred Sensualist, Financial Freedom Facilitator, Coach and Guide, I inspire and motivate clients in life transformation, personal alchemy and living radiantly and ecstatically.



Re-Center Daily


Be Gentle with Yourself


Be Honest with Yourself (even if you aren’t ready to speak it aloud to others)


Pleasure is Sacred/Laughter is Divine


Face Your Fears


Our Community is Our Wealth


A Boundary Skillset is Non-negotiable


Find Yourself in Stillness and in Silence

Gain clarity about what you truly want in your life (+ the courage to speak it aloud and go for it!)

The time is now to take control of your finances and begin your journey to live a guilt free and joyfully prosperous life.